A blog about my experience with chronic illness and finding hope in the darkest days

Tag: covid-19

Begin Again

Hi blog. It’s been a little while.

I wasn’t planning on taking a break, and I also wasn’t planning on having such an eventful summer. Two summer classes kept me busier than I thought I’d be, and I took my first solo trip to visit my brother in North Carolina. Traveling alone taught me that I’m capable of more than I believe, and through my physical anthropology course, I learned more about being human. Weeks later, when my uncle and grandfather passed away, I learned a lot about grief, too.

I learned that grief can be sneaky. It can show up in unexpected ways like stress, poor sleep, and sharp, short tempers. I learned that grief reveals as much about death as it does about life, and that in many ways, grief is like plunging the heart in frigid water. Once the initial, blinding shock wears off, the fierce cold intensifies each and every breath, reminding the body it is acutely alive.

In the midst of my grief, I started a new semester of school. With a heart stuffed with sorrow, hope, and longing, I stepped foot on a college campus for the first time in 2 years. Feeling more like a kindergartener than a junior in college, I navigated quaint classrooms and picked seats in rooms full of socially-distanced students. The ordinary had never felt so peculiar. In the excitement of a new school year and the heaviness of my grief, I had never felt so sad yet so hopeful at the same time.

Going back to school has been a fresh new beginning for me. I entered a new school with a new major and a body with a new baseline and limitations. Walking around campus with a backpack full of beta-blockers, I felt nothing like the freshman I was in 2018. Strolling underneath the verdant trees on campus, I’d almost forgotten how traumatic my prior college experience was. Almost.

Last Friday, as I made my way out of class, another student stopped me in the stairwell.

“Do you watch Grey’s Anatomy?” she asked, catching me by surprise.

It took me a moment to register that she was talking to me, and another moment to realize the weight her question held.

In an instant, I was transported to my freshman dorm room where I was limp in my bed, watching Grey’s Anatomy on repeat. Exhausted from the ER visits and doctor’s appointments I’d wedged into my full schedule, I used the television series as an escape, as solace. Grey’s Anatomy eased my initiation into the medical world, and some part of me cherished watching the fake doctors fight hard for their patients. In my fear and overwhelm as mysterious symptoms took hold, I couldn’t help but hope some doctor would do the same for me.

“I used to, yeah,” I managed.

“You look a lot like Jo. You know, the one who was Alex’s girlfriend.”

Under my mask, my face flushed and I smiled.

“I take that as such a complement, because she’s so pretty!” I said.

We pushed through the heavy doors, ripping our face masks off as we plunged into sunshine. The humid air felt tangible as she asked me where I was from.

“You’re from overseas, right?”

“I’m not but my parents are, actually.”

Too stunned to do anything else, I smiled. In some way, it was like she already knew me. Like we were already friends.

We chatted for another minute before parting ways. I walked away, feeling a little dumbfounded by our conversation.

While her questions were fairly typical, and her comment a mere passing thought, what she said felt profound to me. It was a complete, full circle moment.

Immersed in my Fresh New Beginning, I naively thought my past couldn’t catch up to me. I thought what had happened in Nashville would forever stay in Nashville, and that as I healed, the hard memories would rest somewhere far behind me.

But as I drove home that day, I realized that even though the past is the past, we carry every moment of our lives with us, into the next. The part of me that was sprawled out on my dorm room bed, glued to episodes of Grey’s Anatomy and gaining awareness that an illness was beginning to wreck my life, walks with me on UT’s campus. She looks up at the same beauty in the sturdy trees overhead. She feels the same shimmering sunlight glittering upon her face.

That girl’s comment felt like a reminder to take note of where I am, how far I’ve come, and how much of my life has changed. Her words were like confirmation that I’m in the right place upon the right path and no fatal mistakes have been made. In her encounter, I found permission, encouragement, and guidance to keep going, to keep moving forward, to have faith in what comes next.

Sometimes I wish POTS had never happened to me. Sometimes I wish my life had never been interrupted by the pain, the loss, and all the grief it’s brought me. Without POTS, my life would certainly be easier, and if I could wake up tomorrow cured, I would in a heartbeat. But I also know that without this deep well of pain, my joy would be much more shallow. I wouldn’t know how lucky it is to stand in the shower because I wouldn’t know how much it hurts to have the ability taken away. I wouldn’t live my days with as much intention as I do, because I wouldn’t value my energy as a currency that’s finite.

In the words of Nora McInerny, “We don’t ‘move on’ from grief. We move forward with it.” And each day, as I load my backpack with books and salty snacks, I make some space for that exhausted, fearful freshman. She deserves this new beginning just as much as I do.

Packing, with POTS

It’s mid-morning and the sky is threatening a gloomy May day. We suit up anyway, dressing in swim gear and sunglasses, and our summer garb hugs us like armor, like hope.

My brother is in town for the weekend so we’ve made plans to go stand-up paddleboarding, or kayaking for me. It’s our first family outing in I don’t know how long so I hide my phone in my bag. I want to be present today.

My mother buzzes around the house, evaporating from the living room then reemerging like a magician. Her packing frenzy convinces me I’ve inevitably forgotten something, so I mount the stairs and head back to my room.

There were times, in The Dark Days, when I crawled up these stairs to bed. Today, I bounce, skipping every other step.

As my mom loads the car, I pack up too, taking inventory of my cream-colored tote bag.

Liter water bottle full of water, check.

Water bottle filled with electrolyte drink, check.

Backup packets of electrolytes, check.

Salty snacks in case I get hungry and/or dizzy, check.

Beta-blockers and backup meds, check.

My pill organizer for the day, check.

Personal fan (that makes only a marginal difference but for some reason I bring anyways) in case I get hot and symptomatic, check.

Regular human things I need like my wallet and driver’s license, check.

Hand sanitizer, check.

Face mask, check.

Keys, check.

Okay. We’re ready to go.

Mountain Climbing

This past Saturday marked the end of my Spring 2021 semester and the first official day of Summer break. I spent most of my weekend in the realm between R.E.M and slow-wave sleep, but in the few hours I was arguably conscious, I tried to reflect on what a bizarre semester it was. I say “tried” because frankly, I’ve been too tired to think until today. Two days ago, my brain wrapped itself in a thick layer of cling wrap, and the cling wrap is, well, clingy.

This semester was like a Rubik’s Cube, only a trick one that’s missing three essential pieces and turns out to be insoluble. It was a doozy filled with almost every obstacle imaginable: POTS, a historic snowstorm, a state-wide power crisis, a change in major, the transferring to a new university, entirely virtual school, and a pandemic (hence the virtual school.) I can’t believe I made it out alive, let alone retained any information. At this point, I think I can probably do anything now.

Except maybe work at Starbucks. That still sounds hard.

But as bizarre and challenge-filled as this semester was, I discovered I love working from home. Virtual classes rock for those who live in fussy, unreliable bodies like mine, and the option to attend lectures in my hammock more than makes up for all the awkward Zoom silences. For me, online school eliminated the physical challenge of getting to class, so I was able to use energy that would’ve otherwise been eaten up by POTS towards my studies. Overall, I’m amazed at how much I learned without leaving my house, and I thought online school was a creamy, indulgent sundae of upsides.

Moreover, as the world continues to reckon with covid-19, my professors seemed to have revived compassion for the disabling beast that is POTS. After a year of grappling with a novel virus, they could better grasp the concept of unpredictable health and had renewed empathy for how it feels to be unwell. My professors consistently encouraged me and all other students throughout the semester to prioritize our health and take care of ourselves. It was a relief to feel like we were all on the same page.

I’ll admit: at the beginning of the year, when I was gearing up for the semester, I envisioned flare after flare impeding on my studies. In the newness of January, I was mentally drafting the emails I’d write to my professors, filled with words like “unfortunately,” “emergency room,” and “extension.” I anticipated the stress of squeezing doctor’s appointments into my course schedule, and could already see my printer belching out wads of Doctor’s Notes. Gross.

This is the college experience I know. Luckily, my reality fell short of these expectations.

I had flares this semester, but they were fewer and far between. Sometimes I had to attend class from the couch, but my God, there are certainly worse things. As a transfer student, I didn’t know what I was doing half the time, but for the other half, I actually did. Even though stress occasionally got the best of me, I managed. Despite it all, I managed.

In the final days of the semester, my professors surveyed each class, asking whether or not everyone was ready to return to school in person. Through my screen, I watched over a dozen heads bobble inside little Zoom rectangles. But my head felt frozen; I couldn’t get it to move.

Thinking about the fall semester fills me with equal part excitement as it does dread. I imagine it’s similar to what a hiker feels at the foot of Mount Everest. When I look up, I see the mountain of challenges waiting for me: the obstacles I’ve not yet navigated, the unforeseen obstructions in my path. I don’t yet know all that’s ahead, only that I’m certain it will require fortitude, courage, and an exhausting amount of strength.

That looming mountain makes the ground feel all the more comfortable. The grass has never felt softer, more inviting or plush. I feel pulled to stay, pitch a tent and stay a while. But if I did, I know I’d miss out on the thrill of the climb. And what about that breathtaking view?

A Different Kind of “New Normal”

The sun sets and I journey upstairs to take a shower. I pull the shower head down, let it hang. I step into the tub, I sit. I didn’t used to shower this way; I used to stand and sing. Now, I sit in silence, listening to the water spray. It’s loud, louder than I remember. Everything seems loud these days. 

Sitting in the shower has become normal to me. Preferred, almost, but only because it doesn’t exhaust me the way standing in steam does. If I had it my way, I’d be belting in home-made saunas like I used to, but with POTS and a heat intolerance, I’ve learned to adapt. To my bewilderment, I’ve found myself in the midst of what most people call a “new normal.”

I’m not the only one grappling with a ‘new normal’ right now. The phrase is plastered all over the internet, dominating news headlines, and I’d go so far as to say it was one of the most-used expressions of 2020, outshined only by the words “Zoom” and “unprecedented.” Today, “new normal” is used in reference to the pandemic and the various ways our lifestyles have changed–from face masks to social distancing, to diligent disinfecting and more. But “new normal” isn’t a novel phrase, or reserved solely for this covid-19 era. It’s a phrase that’s also popular in the world of chronic illness and that I’ve come to know very well.

A photo of popular words used during the pandemic; image from John DeMont’s article, “The Plague of Pandemic Words”

In the months leading up to my diagnosis, I went on countless social media deep-dives. Plunging through hashtags of #POTS and #dysautonomia, I was desperate to find people in the same boat as me. I was hungry for advice from people who understood and were further along on the process than I was, with residency in what many call the “the other side.” I scrolled through post after post, my thumb turning numb, hearing variants of the same message: “You will find a new normal.” But would I?

At the time, these words meant very little to me. Without an official diagnosis or the resources for a way out, this advice felt flimsy, two-dimensional, like an aspiration forever out of reach. I could see its appeal: “new normal” comforts, encourages, heartens, and gives hope. It lives dependent on the promise of flexibility and versatility, reliant on the potential of resilience and grit. But as I stayed suspended in survival mode while I waited on a diagnosis, I couldn’t comprehend what it truly meant to move forward, or what that would look like, or if I would ever.   

I heard this phrase yet again while meeting my dietician. A woman who lives with a chronic illness herself, she spoke from personal experience, assuring me that I too would eventually “find my new normal.” She promised me that one day, I won’t think twice about what supplements to take, that I would slow down and adjust to my limitations as needed, eventually settling into a slower speed and rhythm of life. She swore to me that with time, my foreign reality would become familiar, and that my debilitating symptoms would lessen as I learned to manage my condition. My dietician had no doubt in my ability to grow and adapt, believing with a steel-like, heartwarming conviction that ultimately, I’d prevail. 

I was touched and a little amazed, though I confess I wasn’t truly convinced. I couldn’t yet fathom a future beyond my reality of crawling to the bathroom, or the sleepless nights due to unforgiving symptoms, or spending hours every morning trying to force my body upright. My future was still fuzzy to me, still too uncertain to discern, and it was distorted by my growing fear that I would never be well again. In February of 2020, a “new normal” seemed impossible to me, as likely as if you told me I’d been invited to brunch on the moon. 

Theoretical picture of me having brunch on the moon. Image from Smithsonian Magazine

In a sense, the prospect of a “new normal” also felt undesirable to me. I didn’t want my reality to become normal, I wanted a refund or a time-machine; some way to transport back to my old life. To achieve a “new normal,” I would first have to accept my state of affairs and at the time, that seemed like an unreasonable request. The thought of my 2020 reality becoming normal repulsed me; I didn’t want a “new normal,” I wanted my old normal, and stat.

But fortunately, my dietician was right. The thirty pills and supplements I take every day are now as integrated into my routine as is brushing my teeth each morning. If I close my eyes, my mug of chicken broth after breakfast is just a unique cup of coffee, and has become no more unusual that pouring myself a cup of tea. With time, I have learned how to maximize my energy, designing my days around my body’s needs, and I’ve managed to carve a life out of the confines of both my illness and covid-19.

To the same degree, I’ve grown “immune” to the oddity of face masks in public. It no longer seems unusual to visit with my grandparents on the driveway as opposed to inside their kitchen, and I’ve gotten used to swapping out hugs for hand-waving, even though I do miss the former. I’ve seen first-hand from my experience with chronic illness that humans carry a remarkable capacity to adapt, so it comes as no surprise to me how we have adjusted to pandemic life: conducting classes online, building collections of reusable face masks, and finding ways to carry on when the life we knew was halted. 

But even though I meet all the qualifications required for “new normal” status, if you asked me, I’d confess that my life still doesn’t feel normal. It’s more so that I have gotten used to its weirdness; nothing about healing from chronic illness in the middle of a pandemic feels normal to me. 

An all-time favorite writer of mine, Suleika Jaouad, is also familiar with the expression “new normal.” Having been diagnosed with leukemia at the grand old age of 22, she knows first-hand how illness can sever a life, interrupting what was and forever altering what’s to come. In her 2013 NPR interview, she confesses, “I don’t like the expression new normal because I think life doesn’t really go back to normal.” She revamps the phrase instead, rebranding it as “new different.”

I like the concept of “new different.” I like the way it allows for radical, necessary change, and I like the way it accepts the present as it is, without any comparisons to The Before. The phrase “new different” allows our lives to continue changing as they inevitably will, while shedding the facade that we can ever recreate the past. Unlike “new normal,” “new different” welcomes change, opening the door to more and more life.

A photo of my mom, who helps me embrace my “new different.”

Two days ago, I went on a walk to check the mail. It’s a short walk, not too far, but on my way back, I kept walking. Up the street and around the cul-de-sac, talking my time while crossing the deserted road. I kept walking because it felt good. I repeat: I was exercising upright and it felt good. It was a sensation that in my depths of my illness, I was certain I would never have again. 

It was liberating to have the choice to keep walking. To have the freedom to control the duration of my walk, instead of surrendering to symptoms that often make that choice for me. It was liberating to leave my limitations at home, to have a break from being chaperoned by relentless fatigue and dizziness. As I approached a stop sign, I thought to myself, “What an incredible moment this is.” I was acutely aware of how remarkable it was to be walking and well after everything my body’s been through. I felt strong and content, borderline euphoric. I felt like my old self again, only more grateful this time. 

Like many, I made plans that shattered and crumbled to ruins while my life and reality fundamentally transformed. Like many, I’ve had to adapt and adjust to conditions that at times, were frankly unimaginable. Like many, I’m wading knee-deep in an aftermath, discovering what it means to find a “new normal,” or “new different.”

As I recover, it’s tempting to try to resuscitate the life I lived and the person I was prior to developing POTS. But illness, like other hard things, have a way of changing you to your core. And the longer I trudge through the aftermath, the more apparent it’s become that I will never again be the girl I was from before I fell ill. And maybe that’s the whole point. Maybe the point is not to find a new normal, but to find a new different, over and over again.

Flashbacks of the Future

It’s 8:30pm and I’ve just showered and put away my clothes. A year ago, I had to lie down after completing both of these activities. Less than a year ago, I had to take breaks whilst doing the latter. Fold the pants, lie down on the floor. Hang up the shirts, then back to the floor. Today I did both of these things, without surges of fatigue and weakness.

Healing takes time, but it is possible.

At times, I focus so intently on moving forward that I don’t let myself stop and reflect on the past. The act of reflection still feels risky, as if too much thought will teleport me back into those treacherous days. A part of me still feels skeptical about whether the progress I’ve made will last, but it’s not foolish, wishful thinking to say I’m doing much better these days. Even if saying so still feels like a hopeful aspiration, it is not premature, exaggerating, or anything close to a fib. 

I’m still learning how to finally settle into this truth. 

But as it turns out, I’m still really angry about what it took to get here. To get back to the place where I can hang up clothes and take a shower without exhausting myself. It took over a year of physical therapy, of dedicating and centralizing my life around a rehabilitation program. It took drastic changes in my diet, cutting out gluten, processed sugar, peanuts, fermented products, most dairy, basically a whole lot of food that makes life worth living. It took over a year of gastric distress, finding out what works and more disappointingly, what doesn’t.

It took one year of trying and failing, one year of the tiniest baby steps. It took one year of hoping, and not being able to stomach my numerous doubts. Before all this, it took two years of unexplained symptoms and a year and half of medical trauma. In total, it took three years of feeling unwell, every day of my young adult life.

It took too much to get here, and yet somehow, I still feel grateful.

A picture of me with takeout from P. Terry’s, a go-to restaurant of mine that accommodates my many food restrictions. #PTafterPT

I wonder how long my fury and gratitude will be able to coexist. When it comes to my health, I can’t seem to feel gratitude these days without also feeling eclipsing rage. The two are wrapped up against each other, tangled like a knotted necklace that only exasperates me.

I wonder if they’ll ever untangle or if they’re now forever intertwined. I’m hoping for the former, but I guess I’ll have to get back to you on that.

While it devastates me, all it took to get here, part of me feels a sense of pride. I fought like hell to rebuild my life, brick by brick, hour by hour. It’s worth mentioning I didn’t do it alone, that I couldn’t do it alone, and am privileged to have the resources I did. It takes a village to cope with chronic illness, and I thank every family member of mine, every friend who ever checked in on me, and every doctor, physical therapist, dietician, psychotherapist, and health professional that contributed to my care.

Yet in all transparency, the monotony of my current reality frequently frustrates and underwhelms me. While I’m ecstatic to be physically able to put away my clothes again, I feel discouraged about being cooped up inside, isolated within the same scenery I was in whilst being housebound over a year ago. I wish I were spending these days of better health going out with my friends, studying on campus, making the memories I missed out on, rather than continuing to stay cooped inside the same house my illness confined me to a year ago.

Yesterday morning I woke up to the news of a possible, serious gas leak. I was instructed not to use any appliances and was warned that even simply flipping on a light switch could be enough to prompt an explosion. (No biggie.) With the stealth of a ninja, muttering on repeat, “I will not turn on a light switch, I will not turn on a light switch,” I collected my things and adventured to my grandparents’ house, who conveniently live next door.

Double-masked and bundled up, looking around my grandparents’ living room, it occurred to me it’s been nearly a year since I last stepped foot in their home. Obviously, this wasn’t an ideal situation, as they haven’t yet had their second vaccine and I hadn’t completed a full, proper 14 day quarantine, but despite my nervousness, I was elated to see them nonetheless, and get out of the house for a change.

Picture of myself, exasperated by 2021’s unrelenting curveballs.

In one of my current classes at school, we recently read Story of Your Life, which is a short story by Ted Chiang, a popular science fiction writer. This story later went on to inspire the movie Arrival, and it deals with 2 concepts of awareness: simultaneous consciousness and sequential consciousness. I’ll try to spare you from all the elaborate, complicated details, but essentially, sequential consciousness is how us humans perceive our lives: one event follows the other and the future is always unknown. With simultaneous consciousness however, the past, present, and future are experienced all at once, so the future is not only predetermined, but it’s explicitly known ahead of time.

Obviously, it’s unlikely I will develop simultaneous consciousness in this lifetime and I am unfortunately doomed to live out my days with complete ignorance of the future. But every now and then, I swear I’m in that short story, getting glimpses of the future, of memories I’ve not yet made but will make, in time. They’re almost like visions (dramatic word choice, but let me live..) and in every one of them, I can see myself happy, surrounded by people again.

I had one of these “visions” while at my grandparents’ yesterday, and it filled me with hope that one day, my isolation will end. Sitting at their kitchen table, in the same place I have throughout my childhood, I experienced what can only be called ‘flashbacks of the future.’ I saw myself hugging friends, without masks, our smiles visible. I saw myself finally reuniting with family, embracing without hesitation.

It won’t be much longer until I am spending afternoons with my grandparents again, and when I do, it won’t be only when emergency strikes (spoiler: there was no gas leak). It won’t be much longer until I am seated at a restaurant table, laughing and dining with friends, or until I can travel and visit loved ones, until I am immersed in life again.

“It won’t be long now,” I say to myself over and over, until I run out of breath. It’s so close, I can feel it, and I swear I can see it too.

Say what you want, call it imagination or complete delusion, but I got a glimpse of the future yesterday, and it was beautiful, and real.

Hermit Season

A winter storm hit Texas last Thursday and it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Temperatures have plummeted to historic lows, numbers of which are unheard of in my hot and humid neck of the woods. With over 4 million Texans suffering through power outages, my access to wifi and central heating feels like winning the lottery. I’m living every moment as if it’s my last with power and electricity because frankly, it very well could be.

I’ve spent the past three days huddled by electrical outlets while consuming alarming amounts of hot tea, mentally prepping for my next meal and its alternative, if need be. Classes are canceled, as is physical therapy, so I’ve been stuck at home like everyone else, racking my brain for ways to make the most out of this unexpected holiday.

There’s an odd feeling of familiarity within this situation, a sense that I’ve done this all before. And in a way, I have. Not with frosty terrain and winter weather warnings, but with an illness that made me housebound and a pandemic with lockdowns of its own. I’ve learned how to tolerate isolation, how to cope and even thrive within its catalog of restrictions, and at this point, I’ve become a seasoned hermit, a skill that’s boded me well this past year.

I find it almost amusing how POTS is no longer what’s keeping me inside these days. Now, it’s a historic snow storm, covid-19, and online classes that keep me locked up for days at a time. As I continue to recover and heal from chronic illness, there’s no “regular life” I can return to, no normalcy I can acclimate myself with or strive to finally attain. I know I said it’s “almost amusing,” but the longer I remain isolated, the words ‘frustrating’ and ‘lonely’ also come to mind.

Often, I joke that POTS prepared me for the pandemic, with all those days spent chained to the couch doubling as a weird bootcamp of sorts. I joke that I had a sixth month head-start on all my peers, building up the endurance required for a year of quarantine and isolation. And while it is true that POTS taught me how to be patient and nurture hope, covid-19 made my small world even smaller, and the limited contact I had with friends become even more scarce and constrained. These days, when I get cabin fever, it’s nearly unbearable; it’s as if I’ve been isolating in double time.

Picture of the snowfall from my walk yesterday, which was brisk in every way.

Spending most of my time at home, in a space that is comfortable and tailored for my body’s needs, it’s easy to find the outside world increasingly more overwhelming with its loud noises, busy freeways, bad drivers, and precariousness. At home, my meds and salty snacks are right where I left them, and anything I might possibly need is always within reach. I can pace myself easily, rest whenever needed, and I never have to worry about pushing my body beyond its limits. I feel safe at home, comfortable at home, and yet I can’t help but worry all this time in isolation is only prolonging and delaying my integration back into the “real world.”

I have to admit I’ve grown a little scared of the “real world.” When I developed POTS, I also developed an anxiety more acute than I’ve ever known. Once a daredevil child who flipped off diving boards without second thoughts, I’m now easily frazzled by things as simple as the local grocery store at peak hour. Small changes in my routine are enough to send me spinning, and while I used to consider myself a social butterfly, I now find myself sweating when I have to respond in the group chat. POTS has implanted a fear that runs deep within me, and now I can’t help but constantly anticipate the next flare or episode or trip to the emergency room. I can’t help but hate POTS for that, and all the other ways it’s altered me to my core.

I’m discovering recovery is as much of a mental endeavor as it is a physical one. It’s as if I’m having to rewire my brain, training it to trust my body and self again. Living with a nervous system that’s chronically hyperactive, I have to constantly coax myself out of “fight or flight” mode. Every day, I try to convince my body there’s no danger it needs to brace for.

As dispiriting as it can be to recover within isolation, it’s been a relief to watch the outside world slow down alongside me. Now, the world pulses in a rhythm much closer to my own, and it’s allowed me to take my time as I trudge through the gnarly work of healing. Now, I’m not the only one opting for another night in, becoming more and more socially awkward as the many days go by. Though I wouldn’t exactly call my situation “ideal,” I know it could be worse in an abundance of ways.

This time at home has allowed me to recuperate at my own speed, removing the temptation to “keep up” with everyone around me. It’s let me gradually ease myself back into a life that has deadlines and structure, while also giving me ample time to read and write–two things that sustain me. Because covid-19 has forced most universities to shift online, I’ve even returned to school as a full-time student, which happened sooner than I expected. As tired as I am of isolation, it’s provided me with a unique opportunity to focus on my recovery.

I know, eventually, there will be an end to all of this hermitting. The snow will melt, the pandemic will subside, and classes will be held in person again. I’d like to think there will be a day where I’ll forget how it felt to be this isolated. But until then, I’ll continue to make the most of all this time alone. (Which right now, if I’m honest, means watching Ted Lasso every night.)

May the power, WiFi, and central heating be with you,


Champion Park

Last week, I had an annual check up with my internist. She reviewed my yearly blood work before conducting a brief physical, doing what primary care physicians typically do during regular, scheduled check-ups. In retrospect, there was nothing to be nervous about, as the appointment was just for checking in, nothing new. But three hours beforehand, I felt that familiar fear creep out of hiding, the one that’s painfully festered throughout these past two years.

I seem to remember almost enjoying going to the doctor’s as a child. With their impressive supply of stickers, it was kind of hard not to. But I think it was because there was some element of it all that always felt like a field trip of sorts. I was never a regular there, at least not yet; I was simply a visitor who showed up once, maybe twice a year, mostly to confirm that I was still completely healthy.

In those days, there was no ailment I brought in that the doctor couldn’t quickly fix or understand. My pediatrician was for strep throat and flu shots, and I hadn’t yet traveled into the realm of Western medicine that isn’t designed for complicated chronic issues. In those days, I hadn’t yet developed finger tremors or muscle twitches that confused and puzzled my knowledgable doctors. I hadn’t yet felt the terror of staring down the long, dark road towards a diagnosis.

I miss that trust I used to have in my body, the trust that I’d swiftly recover from whatever came my way. I miss having ailments that could be fixed with a simple round of antibiotics.

These days, the doctor’s office fills me with dread. I guess that’s just what happens when you’ve endured enough medical testing. Oftentimes, I’ll try to reason my way out of the panic, telling myself things are better now, that I’ve survived the hardest part. Even so, my logic typically fails me; the memories are still too strong.

By now, I’ve learned to stop fighting against these feelings. With the help of my therapist, I’ve practiced letting them come and letting them go, giving them the space they need to arrive, as they inevitably will. It’s another exercise of surrender, a releasing of the illusion more commonly known as “control.”  

On the car ride there, I felt the awaited dread rise within me. I tried to tune it out with my calm meditation music, but the two clashed in a minor key; the dissonance was striking. The dread felt thick and aggressive, like waves from a raging sea, and the salty water filled up my car, all the way to the brim. With shaky hands and a shaky breath, I tried my hardest not to drown.

When I arrived, I took a deep breath before stepping out of my car. I straightened my denim jacket as if it were my armor. Alone and scarcely armed, I walked through the automatic doors.

I arrived at the office, found a chair, filled out forms. Before I knew it, I was standing on a scale, then sitting in the exam room with a blood pressure cuff wrapped tightly around my arm.

It wasn’t long before my internist walked into the room, carrying a warmth that neutralized some of the chill from that afternoon. After a round of small talk, she reviewed my blood work and declared I’m essentially “a healthy young woman, with POTS”. My shoulders relaxed a centimeter.

She stood up, began the physical exam, but not before commenting on my reusable liter water bottle–a staple accessory for anyone with POTS. “I never leave the house without it,” I joked. “You’re doing everything right,” she responded, with kindness and care.

Throughout the past year, I’ve learned how to take good care of myself, but still, that sentence filled me with relief. The invisible mountain of bricks on my back disintegrated, drifting to the floor like a cloud of dust. I took a deep breath, mostly because she told me to, in order to check my lung function, but it was partly involuntary too; for the first time in that examination room, I could breathe again. 

My internist released me from the appointment with the remark, “no torture for you today.” She was referring to blood work and other medical testing, and though it was a joke, it rang true. With the feeling I’ve paid, if not surpassed, my medical dues, I collected my bag and gigantic water bottle. I let the door of the exam room shut swiftly behind me.

Walking out of that appointment, I nearly strutted down the hallway. I felt strong and resilient, as if I’d just slayed a thousand dragons. I think, in a way, I did. With shoulders squared and a head held high, I relished in my quiet victory.  

Climbing back into my car, I took a moment to regroup. Even on a good day, that office is disorienting, with or without new covid-19 protocols.

My internist’s office is the place where a doctor first spoke the name “POTS” to me. It’s the place I’ve returned to again and again throughout this journey, each appointment a major checkpoint along the way. My internist is also the doctor who coordinates all of my care, and though this seems like it would provide a sense of structure and stability, in reality, I’ve found it does the opposite. 

Because POTS affects my nervous system and because the nervous system controls, well, pretty much everything, my collective symptoms of heart palpitations, dizziness, GI distress, and more, each require specialists of their own. It takes a village to treat POTS, from neurologists to cardiologists to gastroenterologists, allergists, and more, and my internist is typically the one writing the referrals, shipping me off to my many specialists. This contributes to a sense of disorienting, fragmented care, and I now see seven specialists to help manage my condition (not including my PTs, my therapist, and my dietician.)

That office holds so many different versions of myself, and each time I return, it’s like bumping into all of them at once. They fill the stuffy waiting room, taking up space in the chairs next to me. It’s almost as if they’re all frozen in time, suspended in their silent suffering. I want to reach out to them, lock eyes, hold their hand. 

There’s the 18 year old who was struggling to recover from mono; the tired musical theatre performer wondering why she’s tired all the time; the scared college student that sensed something was wrong; the exasperated full-time patient who was desperate for a diagnosis; there’s the freshly diagnosed college drop-out, fumbling around in the dark. And then there was me: the one who’s found her footing, who made it to 2021 somehow. 

It’s a lot to walk into, and it’s a lot to leave behind.

I wish I could tell each of those versions of myself that I have finally made it to the “maintenance stage.” That all the medical testing does in fact end, that she will find the answers she’s fighting for and learn to live in the unlivable. I wanted them to know there’s a part of the story where it really does all get better, that I’m in it now, the falling action, living in an ending she dreamed of but didn’t know how to reach.

In the driver’s seat, I attempted to collect my scattered thoughts, trying to settle into my new reality: the one where not all doctor’s appointments are traumatizing. 

Putting the car in reverse, I drove to a nearby park where I celebrated with a short walk and sitting meditation. It’s a treat because I’m well enough to do this now, but also because anything is a celebration if you label it as one. I’m learning there’s a lot of power in that. Celebration is a powerful thing.

As I pulled into the parking lot, there was a boulder engraved with the name of the park. The sign read, “Champion Park.” I smiled to myself, chuckling a little, because it could not have been more fitting.

I am a champion, and I felt like one too.

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